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What Next After JAMB Releases 2023 Official Cut-Off Marks?

On Saturday, 24th June 2023, The Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) fixes the 2023 Admissions cutoff Marks for universities as 140 and 100 were adopted for Polytechnics and Colleges in the country. The cut-off marks were made at the 2023 Policy Meeting on Admissions to Degree, NCE and National Diploma (ND) Programmes in the country. However, some candidates are confused about the status of these cutoff marks as regards admission and what are the other necessary things to do.

Institutions have the Autonomy to Set their Cut-Off Marks

Customarily, every institution has the liberty to determine the minimum UTME score acceptable to it for admission, this means the specific cutoff marks for some institutions may still remain the same as that of last year, and some may slightly change. For example, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State; University of Ibadan (UI) Oyo State; and University of Lagos (UNILAG) cut-off marks still remain at 200. However, other institutions like EKSU, FUOYE e.t.c. will also release their minimum cutoff marks when they release Post-UTME forms. As a candidate, meeting the minimum cutoff mark is the first hurdle to gaining admission.

Similarly, for Direct Entry admissions, each institution will determine the number of points required for direct entry admission. Nevertheless, no institution can recommend or admit any candidate with less than two points for direct entry. In the same vein, no institution can admit/accept the transfer of a candidate for any degree programme unless the candidate has spent one full-time, not less than two consecutive sessions in the institution – this means a transfer cannot be effected until a student has finished 200L in a particular institution.


What Next After JAMB Releases 2023 Official Cut-Off Marks?

As a candidate, the next thing to do for you is to start making enquiries in regard to the institution you are trying to apply to. Schools will begin releasing Post-UTME forms soon.a

We have heard of cases where candidates lose their admission chance because they are not aware the school has released form, so you should keep a tab on this educational website to stay updated, or by checking the school website too. We are always available to provide you with as much information as we have with us regarding your admission.

You may try calculating your current aggregate score in order to confirm your chances of gaining admission into your course of choice, and know what is expected of you, in case your institution conducts Post-UTME Test.

For those who need to change institution or course to another one, the service is now available at CBT centres. You should however confirm first if you have the score required for that course or school.

Can UTME Result be Upgraded or Changed?

No. UTME results cannot be upgraded or changed. Those who advertises such service does so to mislead desperate admission seekers who do fall into their trap due to carelessness.

If you think your score was too far aware form what you needed to study a course, do not stress yourself too much, you could:

  • apply to a lesser course and transfer later or take another UTME the same time, for this, you will need to consider the cost implication of keeping with being an undergrad and having to gain admission into 100L twice.
  • enroll for a remedial course (Predegree or JUPEB), or start preparing early, from now for the next UTME, but before that, make sure you are able to identify what the problem is, so that the same mistake won’t be repeated the next time.
  • And if you have the funds, you could apply to study outside the country with this scholarship offer.

Get Yourself Loaded with “Stuffs”

You may not believe it, but some people whom you’re applying for the same course have started preparing for the Post-UTME since they got their UTME Result, but you are not late. Enroll to the best tutorial available, be it online or physical and join discussion groups and reduce distractions as much as possible.

In our efforts to make your preparation easier, we have CBT tests available at Smart Scholars Club. You can visit and take a free test anytime to assess your proficiency. You can also visit Eleganza Books to download books and past questions to prepare for your examination.

When will the 2023 Admission Processes End?

JAMB has announced December 2023 as the expected date for institutions to finalize the admission processes for the 2023/2024 admission session and the 2024 UTME form will be available by December.

READ ALSO: 7 Important Things to Do Before Writing OAU Post UTME This Year

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A. A. Badmus

A. A. Badmus is a seasoned Educational Consultant that assist students in processing admission into schools in India and Nigeria. Currently studying Nursing at OAU Ile-Ife and passionate about serving accurate and timely information to admission seekers as well as students at large. I write about Education, Tech and Health.

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