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How to Calculate OAU Post UTME and Predegree Aggregate Score

As one of the top-ranking universities in Nigeria, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) is a popular destination for many students seeking quality higher education. However, gaining admission into the university requires meeting certain academic requirements, including scoring high in the OAU Post UTME or Predegree exams in addition to UTME. To calculate your aggregate score for these exams, you need to understand the grading system and weightings assigned to each component. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to calculate your OAU Post UTME and Predegree aggregate score.

OAU UTME Cutoff Mark

Before we dive into the calculation of the OAU Post UTME and Predegree aggregate scores, it is important to note the UTME cutoff mark set by the university for JAMB UTME. The UTME cutoff mark for OAU is 200, which means that candidates must score at least 200 in the UTME exam to be eligible to participate in the Post UTME screening exercise. However, meeting the UTME cutoff mark alone does not guarantee admission into the university. Candidates must also score high in the Post UTME or Predegree exams, as well as meet other admission requirements, such as the O’level results.

It is also important to note that some courses have higher cutoff marks than others. For instance, courses in the Faculty of Law and College of Health Sciences usually have higher cutoff marks than courses in other faculties. Therefore, it is important to check the specific cutoff mark for your desired course of study to know what score you need to aim for in the UTME and other exams. You may also like to reach out to an educational consultant on your prospect of gaining admission into the university with your UTME score.

With that said, let’s move on to the calculation of the OAU Post UTME and Predegree aggregate scores.

OAU Post UTME Admission Scoring Scale

The admission scoring scale is the allocation by the percentage of the elements or requirements for admission, so to say, the total obtainable marks an applicant can be able to score based on performance.

  • UTME = 50%
  • O’Level = 10%
  • Post UTME = 40%
  • Total: 100


Divide your score by 8

400/8= 50%.

OAU O’Level Result Scale for Admission

4 subjects you did in UTME, are graded, and any 5th subject will be picked, this fifth subject is always where you have the highest grade in your O’level results.
For example.
I did BCPE in UTME.
And where I have the highest grade is Civic education, Civic will be picked as 5th subject

O’level Scale and Grades

  • A1=10
  • B2=9
  • B3=8
  • C4=7
  • C5=6
  • C6=5
  • Others =0

Having D7 in any of the 4 major subjects may mean automatic disqualification for a particular course, there are however some courses that accept D7 in a particular subject.

Sample Calculation of OAU Aggregate Score

Sample Candidate: An aspirant of Nursing department who scored 285 in UTME, and has the following O’level results: Bio: C4, Chem: C4, Phy: B3, Eng: B2, One best subject: A1, this candidate is yet to take the post UTME test, let’s try to calculate the aggregate and possibility of gaining admission.

Let’s start with the o’level grades:

Biology C4= 7
Chemistry C4=7
Physics B3= 8
English B2= 9
And the 1 best
Civic Education A1= 10
Add all, then ÷ 5
7+7+8+9+10= 41
41/5= 8.2
Therefore he has 8.2/10 in O’level

285 in UTME = 285/8= 35.625
8.2 in O’Level
This is equivalent to: 35.625+8.2= 43.825

Last cutoff for Nursing was 74.93(2022..Updated)
To know what he’ll need in post-UTME to meet up with the last cutoff:
74.93 – 43.825

So.. At least, he must get this score to be able to meet last cutoff for Nursing
But the cutoff may rise or come down a little.
So. He’ll need to work towards 32/40 in post-UTME to be safe. You can also do this for your course to determine your chance. Now let’s discuss what OAU podt UTME look like.

Nature of OAU Post UTME

The Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Post UTME is a screening exercise conducted by the institution for candidates who have chosen OAU as their first choice and have scored the minimum cut-off mark in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) as set by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

The computer-based test (CBT) is a standardized 40 multiple-choice examination that covers topics in 3 relevant subjects to the candidate’s course of choice and Aptitude. The questions are set to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge in these areas and are timed to test their speed and accuracy. In the past few years, OAU has adopted an online stay-at-home post-UTME test style using the Proctee software. Candidates take the post-UTME test at their comfort on the set date and time without the need to visit the school premises.

Please note that there is no English per se (aptitude has replaced English) however, questions in the Aptitude section may contain English tests.

Sample Subjects to Expect in OAU Post UTME

  • Biology. 10
  • Chemistry 10
  • Physics 10
  • Aptitude. 10
  • Total: 40

This is a sample for someone with BCP Combination in JAMB UTME…But, at times, the numbers are randomized. So for someone with GLR combination, the combination for post UTME will be Government, Literature, Religious Study and Aptitude

Nature of Aptitude

The Aptitude section of OAU post-UTME is designed to test candidates on other aspects of academics slightly different from their main discipline. It may include the following: Current affairs, History of OAU, Nigeria or World Current Affairs, Basic Mathematics, and Basic Chemistry, Sports, Some art students were asked about litmus paper one year.
They are things OAU believed you have done in your secondary school, hence the need, to study with all available resources.

After OAU post-UTME, Whats makes you eligible for admission?

  • Your O’Level: 10
  • Your post-UTME: 40
    both will be added together to make 50.
  • You must score at least 25/50 when the addition is done
    So, if I have 8.2 in O’Level.
  • I must score at least 16.8/40 to be eligible for admission.
  • 8.2+16.8= 25/50
  • Anything less than 25/50 is auto disqualification
  • Even if it’s 0.001 less You’ll be shown “the OAU Red Card”
  • Even if you have 350 in UTME, and you score less than 25/50

What happens if I have 25/50 but I don’t meet the departmental cutoff mark?

OAU will decide whether to give you admission into another department but only a few will be lucky because everyone can’t be admitted.

RECOMMENDED: Download OAU Post UTME Past Questions and Answers

OAU is merciful, unlike UI, the departments you will be transferred to may be in Faculty of Agric, Education or EDM.
And for the lucky ones, If you have a good aggregate, enough for Science Faculty. You’ll be transferred there, the likes of Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry etc.

I believe you’ll be able to calculate your aggregate yourself now and know where you’re going. And if you’re preparing for WAEC you should know that C may not be enough.
Just 40 points left.

SUGGESTED: OAU Departmental Aggregate Cutoff Marks for 2022/2023 Session

OAU Admission Consideration For Predegree Students

OAU campus

The predegree whole programme is 40 points just like post UTME (after all the exams, all the scores are converted to 40). The only opportunity a predite have is that post-UTME is optional and also if you didn’t meet the departmental cutoff you’ll be offered admission into a course in as much you meet the 60% minimum final score. Please note that final score is different from aggregate score.

What Determines Admission through OAU Predegree?

  • UTME 50%
  • O’level 10%
  • Predegree 40%

The two contacts summed up to 200 and then converted, this is divided by 2 to give you final score(x/100) and this (200) is divided by 5 to give x / 40 (equivalence of post UTME) – same as dividing the final score by 2.5. Your admission is processed in OAU alongside post-UTME admissions, such that what CDL does is forward your score and details to OAU admissions office for processing. This is the reason why the departmental cutoff for PD and post-UTME are at most times the same. One other fact is that Predegree has its own admission quota, I mean the number of students to be sent to OAU from pre-degree, for example, Nursing is 25 students from PD and the other 25 is from post UTME students making a total quota of 50 students overall for a year. This is different for other courses and may vary too. The competition is high, especially for Medical Related Courses (Nursing, Medical Rehab, Pharmacy and Medicine), you can ask your PD coordinator for the quota of each department.

You have 2 tests and two exams, each of 30 points and 70 points respectively, which are from your 4 subjects. Take test for example, Each subject is 30, so to get the cumulative 30 x 4 subjects ÷ 4, note that minimum test score is 18/30 which means if you have Phy 20, CHM 25, Bio 22, Eng 28 your cumulative test score will be (25+22+28+20)/4 = 23.75. That is you have 23.75 over 30 for that contact. This same style is used for exam. You can use this to set your targets.

OAU Predegree Aggregate Calculation

At the end of Pre-degree Programme, a final score is given, which is cumulative of first and second contact results. This should not be confused with the aggregate score. To calculate your aggregate, first convert the Predegree score to 40 by dividing the final score by 2.5. For example, 82.8/2.5= 33.12 out of 40 then add O’level score /10 as calculated above and UTME/8. Add the 3 scores together and that gives your aggregate

Does OAU Accept Awaiting Results?

You can apply to Predegree with awaiting results, but once the admission process starts, you’ll be informed to have uploaded your results before that period both on JAMB portal and PD and choose a course. For post UTME, I would say it’s not allowed to use awaiting because once the portal is closed for registration, you’re not allowed to edit your details again but this may be different this year because of the situation of things.

What if Results Screening is to be adopted? Screening involves using O’level results and UTME scores to determine admission, this won’t affect PD students as they will finish their programme, while for post-UTME, the grading will be released by the school so we can’t assume we know how the grading will be done. Be that as it may, we strongly believe post-UTME test will hold most time.

Have you uploaded your O’Level results to JAMB Portal or Need to join our post UTME tutorials?

Consult us via 08061783878 or Chat with us on Whatsapp using the button below

I await your questions in the comments section.

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© A. A. Badmus (Department of Nursing, OAU)

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A. A. Badmus

A. A. Badmus is a seasoned Educational Consultant that assist students in processing admission into schools in India and Nigeria. Currently studying Nursing at OAU Ile-Ife and passionate about serving accurate and timely information to admission seekers as well as students at large. I write about Education, Tech and Health.

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