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5 Things You Should Expect as a Fresher in OAU

We welcome all freshmen to the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) Ile Ife. Of the greateeeeeest “gba gba!” We congratulate you for making it this far as it is not easy to be admitted into this great citadel of learning. You’re the best of the best and we heartily congratulate you. As you come into the school environment, there are quite of lot of things you will see. Some of you are probably leaving your parents for the first time and do not know what it is like to be in a tertiary setting. Well, it’s time to grow and live life like an adult. We wish you a successful and fun filled stay on campus.

As freshmen, there are certain things that you’ll see on the first week of resumption and particularly the first day. They may look somewhat absurd to you but hey! Welcome to Great Ife. These are few of the following things you’re to expect as you resume to your various halls of residence.

1. Fellowships’ Palava

As a matter of fact, this is the very first experience of Great Ife you’ll get. Members of different Churches, Campus fellowships, and Muslim Students Society Nigeria (MSSN) will be there to assist you on virtually everything you need to do and put in place. They are there to help you with your bags and stuff. Remember life is all about give and take. They give you their time and strength in exchange for you to attend their fellowship. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to get all the attention from them on the first day.

2. Morning devotions

Starting your day by committing it to God is very essential. This usually occurs during the first few weeks (1 or 2) of resumption especially if you stay in Mozambique or Angola Halls of Residence. The brethren from different fellowships are ready to wake you up for morning devotions as early as 5 am. It’s not a bad thing but that’s the way it had been over the years. You may be surprised but as time ticks forward, you’ll get used to it.

3. Registration Stress

As you resume, you will have to submit some documents/credentials to your respective department and faculty. Most times, the registration process is usually stressful as you may have to stand in a queue, under the hot Ife sun for a very long time and may not even be attended on time. This is even more stressful especially for faculties or departments with a large number of students, like Agric, Accounting, Microbiology, Biochemistry and the likes. You have got to be smart to get things done quickly. Faculty and departmental registration are important to be done early. Health center registration and library registration can be done later but still expect stress, it’s what the school is all about!

4. Freshmen’s Party [Fresher’s Party]

This is common to all departments in OAU. A party is usually organized by the executive of the departmental student association for the freshmen during the first or second or even the third week of resumption. It’s more like a “Welcome Party”, where all freshmen get to hangout and know each other and may also possibly meet some seniors. It’s always a fun-filled one but it’s not compulsory anyway. It’s one of the things OAU gives you and it’s something you should expect.

5. The Struggle!

Some of you may know the OAU Anthem or have heard of it before. There’s a line of it that tells you that the struggle is real and real. It goes like this: “For learning and culture, sports and struggle.” Lol! Expect struggle from every aspect of OAU and this is more evident in the physical class where you have to run from one lecture theatre to another only to hear that the class has been canceled. Hehe! If you stay in the hostel, get ready to also struggle for water and they are some days you won’t even see the water. The funniest part is, there’s usually light but there won’t be water. Lol! It’s all part of the struggle.
Those who stay especially in Angola and Mozambique will have to wake up very early, so they can take their bath which is also another struggle because you want to get a good seat in a class slated for 7 am or 8 am. But y’all will get used to it. If you’re the type that is “Indomie generation“, OYO is your case ooo. 😅

OAU is a fun-stress-filled school and I’m sure y’all can’t wait to explore the adventure waiting for you. I’m sure you’ll love it. I do say some things to all OAU freshmen or aspirants I get in contact with. If you want to attend OAU, you’ve got the be physically fit, mentally stable and financially buoyant. Trust me, if you’ve got those qualities, you’ll enjoy every bit of OAU.

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In all, you’ve got to be smart and try to be as social as possible. Believe me, it will help you a lot. Don’t be the boring type. Don’t be shy. Try to mingle with your mates and get to know each other. Remember, you will be together for the next 4,5, or 6 years if not more. 

Welcome once again to Great Ife and Happy Resumption you y’all.

Of the greateeeeeest Ife!

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A. A. Badmus

A. A. Badmus is a seasoned Educational Consultant that assist students in processing admission into schools in India and Nigeria. Currently studying Nursing at OAU Ile-Ife and passionate about serving accurate and timely information to admission seekers as well as students at large. I write about Education, Tech and Health.

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