Easiest Way to do JAMB Reprint Without Visiting CBT Center

After a long wait by the candidates who have been preparing tirelessly for the 2023 JAMB Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). We are glad to notify you that the JAMB Exam Slip Reprint have started.
We know you have some questions and that is what we will be answering in this article.
When will JAMB 2022 UTME Slip Reprinting Start?
The JAMB reprinting of exam-slips for the 2023 UTME Examination has commenced. You can follow our instructions here to know how to reprint your exam slip.
The examination slip contains the schedule for the examination, Date, Venue, Batch, and Time for the Examination of each candidate.
What do I need to print JAMB Exam Slip?
For now, any of: Your Registration Number/Phone Number or Email Address can be used to print your 2023 UTME Examination slip, and this can be done at CBT center, cafe or by yourself.
Also, note that Direct Entry students do not sit for UTME examination.
Easy Way to Print 2023 JAMB Exam Slip without Going to CBT Center
- Visit https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/PrintExaminationSlip
- Enter Your Registration Number/Phone Number or Email Address and tap on “Print Examination Slip“
- You can save the file as PDF and print it out from a cafe later
Do I need to create a Profile on JAMB Portal before Printing Examination Slip?
No, the process of printing exam slip is explained above, you do not need to create any other profile for now. However, if you have your JAMb login details, you can use it to reprint too. Check here for details
BOOK DOWNLOAD: A- Z of JAMB Use of English by Dele Ashade PDF
When will JAMB Exam Start?
According to the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), the UTME main examination will commence on April 25 and will run until May 2, 2023
Consult us for more information at 09036596426 or chat us via the Whatsapp button below:
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