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How To Calculate FUOYE Screening Aggregate Score

As someone seeking admission into the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), Ekiti State, it is important to know How To Calculate FUOYE Screening Point/Aggregate Score because this is what FUOYE will use to admit candidates in 2023.

FUOYE will only admit candidates based on screening points, as the school does not organize exams for post UTME. Many students find the screening point a bit confusing, as they don’t really know how to calculate it, it’s quite simple if you can pay attention and study this post carefully.

Please note that your O’level result plays a vital role in boosting your screening point, your UTME score is important as well, but your O’level score plays a more vital role. It is of utmost importance that you calculate and know your screening point now, so you can know your fate on securing admission to the Course you’re proposing to study.

So if you’re an aspirant of FUOYE or willing to change to FUOYE and have been searching for how to calculate FUOYE screening points, this is for you!

Let’s proceed, FUOYE only accepts candidates who scored a minimum of 160 in UTME to obtain their screening/POSTUTME form, however, a minimum score of 180 to 200 is required for Medical Courses and Law.

How To Calculate FUOYE Admission Screening Points For 2022 Admission Screening Exercise.

The first thing you should know is that each of the grades you have for a particular subject in O’level exam, will be assigned a point, your screening points will be calculated based on the point you have in your O’level and UTME exam.

FUOYE Screening Point For O’level Grading

  • C6= 1 point
  • C5= 2 points
  • C4= 3 points
  • B3= 4 points
  • B2= 5 points
  • A1= 6 points

You will only have to calculate for five vital subjects, which is relevant to your chosen course, e.g. if your chosen course is Medicine and Surgery, your relevant subjects are Math, English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. However relevant subjects to each course are noted in the FUOYE Brochure.

Please note, a single sitting for the O’level result carries 10 points, while two sittings carry 6 points.

So if I have my 5 subjects as A1, B2, B3, B2 and C4 – O’level point will be: 6+5+4+5+3= 23, plus 10 points for single sitting = 33

How To Calculate FUOYE Screening Point For UTME

To calculate the screening, point for your UTME exam, follow this:

  • Divide your UTME score by 400, then multiply it by 60 (UTME Score/400 x 60).
  • Sum up your 5 important O’level subjects as the points are illustrated above
  • The total point you have, after adding your UTME and O’level point together is your total Screening point.

Sample FUOYE Screening Point Calculation

Take for example, if you have 250 in UTME, and you have a total of 33 points in your O’level exam, you will divide the 250 by 400 and multiply by 60, which is equal to 37.5, you then add this to the 33 points you have in your O’level, which equals to 67.5 points.

Please bear in mind that, the minimum point for any course in FUOYE is 50 points. Check FUOYE Cutoff marks here.

For inquiries and FUOYE Post UTME Application, Consult us on 08061783878 or Chat us via Whatsapp Below:

Or Join FUOYE Aspirants Group using the link below

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A. A. Badmus

A. A. Badmus is a seasoned Educational Consultant that assist students in processing admission into schools in India and Nigeria. Currently studying Nursing at OAU Ile-Ife and passionate about serving accurate and timely information to admission seekers as well as students at large. I write about Education, Tech and Health.

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  1. can i register to fuoye post utme with awaiting o.level…my result is coming out my august and the closing date for registration is 31 of july ..what can i do

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