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How to Register for JAMB UTME 2023

It is no more news that the registration for JAMB UTME into Universities in Nigeria is already ongoing and it’s scheduled to end on February 22, 2023. However many candidates are confused on the steps to take to register for 2024 UTME since it involves the use of NIN, profile code and e-pin.

Basically JAMB UTME registration steps are divided into the following:

  • Getting NIN
  • Getting Profile Code
  • Getting e-pin
  • Visiting CBT Centre to Register

Getting NIN

Since 2019, JAMB has introduced the use of NIN for UTME registration, this implies that a bonafide Nigerian citizen should have a unique National Identification Number (NIN) which will then be attached to his/her academic records by JAMB. Mandating the use of NIN for admission seekers also made it easy for NIMC to capture the records of people in the country. To get NIN, candidates are to visit any NIMC office near them with their personal details and a document like birth certificate (to avoid errors in name and date of birth). However, errors can be corrected by visiting NIMC office but it will attract charges.

Getting Profile Code

Profile code is a 10-digit unique number attached to every candidate seeking admission into any higher institution in Nigeria by JAMB. Initially, candidates are to get their profile code by sending an SMS to 55019 in this format – NIN 1234567890 to 55019 or 66019 using a phone number that has not been used to register for UTME before. You can also get profile code using the USSD method.

However, anyone who has taken part in UTME 2021 or 2022 do not need to go through this process. Why? Because their NIN has already been used to generate a profile code on the phone number they used to register for the previous UTME. That is why JAMB will respond with “Your NIN (12346xxxx) has already been registered with GSM number (08012345678)”. What you just have to do is to take the profile code attached to this phone number to CBT center to register. If you don’t remember, CBT centers can get your profile code using your registration number.

I covered problems relating to profile code and solutions in one of my articles, click here to read.

Getting JAMB E-pin

JAMB e-pin is a code required by JAMB in order to register for UTME/DE, this code can only be purchased using the candidate profile code, this means you can’t get e-pin or register for UTME or DE if you don’t have a profile code. From 2022 JAMB has centralized purchase or e-pin with other fees payable by aspirants by introducing the cashless policy. The cost of e-pin is now 4700 (3500 for epin, 500 for reading text and 700 for registration). You can purchase your epin at banks, online vendors like us, Remita and Paga or at CBT centers or send us a message. Once you have e-pin, you do not need to pay another money for registration at CBT centres because the money has been added to e-pin payment.

Visiting CBT Centre to Register

The last step is to visit CBT center to register for UTME or Direct Entry

Like I mentioned above, once you have e-pin, you do not need to pay another money for registration at CBT centers because the money has been added to e-pin payment. For the registration, you will need things like: Profile code, e-pin and Your results (O’level, A’level for DE).

However, it is allowed to use awaiting results to register for UTME or DE.

Common Questions and Answers on JAMB Registration

Below is a FAQ section on JAMB registration for 2023. Click on each tab to open.

Do Direct Entry candidates write JAMB exam?

No, Entry candidates are those who already had A’level results, Degree, OND/HND and are willing to use it to gain admission into 200L in Universities, they do not need to write UTME. However, during post UTME period, the institution they are applying to may decide to test them.

Can I register for UTME and DE the same year?

No, this is no more allowed. However, there is an option of coversion of UTME to DE. This allow you to register for UTME first, do UTME exam, when you decide that you don’t want to use this UTME result to apply for admission, you can visit CBT centre to apply for UTME to DE conversion. Your registration will then be converted to direct entry and you will be able to use your DE result (this process is not reversible and it means you have forfeited your UTME result).

Is there a question relating to JAMB registration this article has not covered? Use the comment box to let us know.

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To Purchase JAMB e-pin or for more inquiries, consult us on 08061783878 or Chat us via Whatsapp below:

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A. A. Badmus

A. A. Badmus is a seasoned Educational Consultant that assist students in processing admission into schools in India and Nigeria. Currently studying Nursing at OAU Ile-Ife and passionate about serving accurate and timely information to admission seekers as well as students at large. I write about Education, Tech and Health.

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