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Visit the item you need and click on "buy now", the item is then added to your shopping cart scrolll down on the cart page and click on "Proceed to checkout". On the scheckout page, supply your details, choose payment method and click on Place Order. Make payment for your order as indicated and gain access to the item afterwards.
Yes, you can pay with bank transfer. Simply select "Direct bank Transfer/POS" option on the checkout page, then place order. than bank details to pay to will show up. Make transfer of the amount stated then send your order ID to us via live chat for approval.
Once payment is successful via online payment, or approved for bank transfer, an automatic email that contains what you paid for will be delivered to your email.
If you saw more than the quantity of the item you selected, please return to cart page to reverse it. Also, you can order more than one item at once, simply click on the order or buy now button for the each of the item once. Then proceed to checkout after confirming both are in your cart.
If you chose Online Payment via Paystack but want to transfer online, ensure you do not cose the payment page while making the tranfer for the payment to synchronize. This is different from Direct Bank transfer method earlier explained.
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