5 Things You Must Do to Score 300+ in JAMB this Year

I know you have started your preparation towards JAMB, and by now you’ve set your goals for the score you want to get, based on your course of choice. This guide serves to assist you in making your goal of scoring 300 and above come true. Read on as we serve it hot!
Develop a positive mindset that you can do it
I remember a scenario that occurred back then when I was about to write my first JAMB. I told my classmates that I was aiming for 330+ and one of my classmates asked me “if I’ve seen anyone personally that has scored 300+” and I couldn’t find one of a truth because 300+ was very rare then. But I wasn’t discouraged, I prepared and eventually scored 316/400 as an SS3 student in a government school where we didn’t have good teachers.
If you can think it, you can achieve it.
Read the right materials
This is always a big problem for many students. Materials which the questions come out from, like textbooks, summary notes, and JAMB-recommended literature are important. Make a list of the books you need and get the soft or hard copies. Don’t use just a single textbook, combine the right ones together. If you can’t buy the hard copy, borrow from a friend that has, or get the soft copy.
Do you know that you won’t have to struggle with the right things to read if you’re in a good tutorial? At Explicit Online Tutorials(EOT), we teach with the official JAMB syllabus and our students also read with our syllabus and when they do, they cover so much.
We were successful in producing 83 students who scored 300+ last year, so your case won’t be different if you follow our lead. So, Follow who knows the road.
Practice past questions
Do you know? The more problems you expose yourself to, the more you become better at a topic. Past questions serve two purposes: to make you familiar with the kind of question to expect, and also make you know how far you’ve understood the topic. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should cram the past questions, of course, if the questions were repeated, it’s a bonus for you.
While solving past questions, note the ones you got wrong, then go back to your notes and read that aspect again, putting the problem you missed in mind, when you are done reading, solve the question again. Then you now have right to check the correct answer from the answers section of the past questions. Don’t always first go for the answers, read and solve again first, this way, you help yourself.
Don’t Get Distracted
Do you know the reason why some parents don’t want their kids to use smartphones is because they believe social media was designed to steal away your time. Yes, they are right. Apart from social vices you could be exposed to with social media, social media can steal your time, especially if you have problems with time management, so limit social media, put your phone away during study period, or put it on focus mode/Do not disturb while learning.
Also, avoid other activities that reduce your study period, and manage your sleeping and fun time well, afterall you can watch thos movies after exams.
READ ALSO: Why You Keep Getting Low Scores in JAMB UTME and Post UTME and How to Stop It
Cover the entire syllabus
For you to score 300+, you must finish the JAMB syllabus atleast twice and cover many past questions as said earlier. Achieving this alone is hard, but when you enroll for Explicit online tutorials JAMB class, you’ll find this easy.
The phase 2 of our 2024 JAMB class will begin on Monday and we’ll be covering the entire syllabus again for the second time. And guess what? We’ll be covering alot of past questions too.
It might take you atleast 4-6 months to finish the entire syllabus but when you enroll for our JAMB class, we’ll help you to cover the entire syllabus in 2 months.
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